Ramndomness #2... Salsa

Hum... What to write, what to write....heheheheh I KNOW! SALSA!! I was just searching for calendars and I ended (like I always do) in a complete different kind of stuff but, who cares? Is always fun to discover new, weird stuff you don’t really know it existed!! Oh and I really discovered some great stuff!!
Ehem, as I was saying, I ended in "Pink and Polka Dot" which is a blog with really interesting stuff to see; I was particularly interested in the magazine holder (anyone who wanna see it can go here) but the reason that brings me here tonight is the salsa! In México there is a wide salsa culture, we eat salsa in almost anything (even pizza, yes, we do that), and has come to my attention (is "come", right? or "came"?, I need to study more english XD) that people is always looking for salsa recipes, which is weird for me, since I have lived with salsa all my life, and I used to believe that everyone in the world know how to do such a delicious thing.

But now that I see the light, I have decided to ask my mom and grandmothers for some salsa recipes and I will post them here soon, I promise!
Well then, I think that’s all for now (2:17 in the morning!!!) see yanyo!!


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