
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2016

L is for life, in general....

¿a donde iras para escaparte de ti misma Que blanca arena sanara tu corazón? Yo solo se de oscuridades de lloviznas Luego después de todo, siempre brilla el sol... Se me olvidan las reglas... se supone que no tengo reglas en el blog, pero me persiguen de todos modos... ¿Alguièn sabe si està bien poner la letra de una canciòn asì, para empezar un texto?,  serà...¿serà què me estoy volviendo loca?, ¿podrìa alguièn explicarme esa regla?, do I caaaare ? Odd things are happening to me.... I wonder if is odd, per se, or just me... But Im confusning you  arent I? Fuss Fuss Fusss Am I not supposed to be sad?, mourning? or is it that I mourn in a different way? He does not want me anymore...  How do I feel about that? My relationship is over... How should I feel about that? Gosh, I wish I had money enough to get me a guide... I waltz trough the days feeling sometimes exhilarated, sometimes odd, sometimes nervous and sometimes nothing, and that worri...

L is for lonely

La insoportable levedad del ser... Una de las cosas que las personas que  han tenido la oportunidad de convivir conmigo saben bien  es que suelo ser una persona  dispersa;  la constancia y yo no vamos juntas muy a menudo... para usar el estilo de Sir Pratchet: La constancia es algo que le pasa a otra gente. Creo que muchas veces he mencionado ya que  una de las cosas màs hermosas que me han dicho es que tener  una conversacion conmigo es como tener una conversacion con un monton de notas de pie de pàgina. No me pregunten porquè creo que es lindo,  estoy trabajando con mi mania de analizarlo todo. Pero si me pidiesen una explicacion  creo que serìa porque  los libros me parecen cosas bonitas, y ser comparada con un libro es algo bonito y fin. En què estaba?... ah, si, dispersa... La insoportable levedad del ser es una frase que me ha perseguido toda la mañana... A veces me levanto con una muerte a cuestas, como dirìa Nandino.  Y...

D is for Day 1

Well, according to the writing challenge image: I should've started posting 5 days ago. Let me explain: I did start writing 5 days ago,  just on my notebook, not here, so today I'll just basically try to update on the days and start tomorrow on day 6: Let's roll then: Day 1: Your Goals for October I  exercise 4 times a week, to get used to do it again. I upload all my foods to the app, and  try to stay under 1500 kcal per day. I sleep at least 7 hours a day,  intervals or a short nap are fine. and that's it, is not much but I like to start slow on this one..

C is for Change

I was reading my blog today,  because I want to start the October challenge,  and I've noticed so so many things are  different. In 2013, I was completely and utterly sure I was going to be married today, for example, and I was  completely sure I would see my niece every week, and I was so sure I would have not visited Japan yet... So, so many things are different... And yet so many things stay the same. My friends are still there, my family is still there, in a way. I am here ...in a way hehe... Progress is impossible without change, they say,  and I do not pretend to make a list of things that have changed in the last 3 years... But I'd like to talk about the changes I've noticed in the last 4 months, if that were possible... (My voice is changing,  have you noticed?, the person who wrote that post 3 years ago is definitely not the same that is writing this thing now. Duh, I know, of course  is not the same... well, I didnt know that u...