C is for Change

I was reading my blog today,  because I want to start the October challenge,  and I've noticed so so many things are  different.
In 2013, I was completely and utterly sure I was going to be married today, for example, and I was  completely sure I would see my niece every week, and I was so sure I would have not visited Japan yet... So, so many things are different...

And yet so many things stay the same. My friends are still there, my family is still there, in a way. I am here ...in a way hehe...

Progress is impossible without change, they say,  and I do not pretend to make a list of things that have changed in the last 3 years...

But I'd like to talk about the changes I've noticed in the last 4 months, if that were possible... (My voice is changing,  have you noticed?, the person who wrote that post 3 years ago is definitely not the same that is writing this thing now. Duh, I know, of course  is not the same... well, I didnt know that until 2 hours ago, when I started to write about the October Challenge and   noticed the seriousness of my language, the reflexive the words were, not like fireworks but like a purple, definite water stream... is kind of complicated of putting into words like  its in my head, maybe thats the whole point of writing things no?,  transmitting images , putting  your world in other people's heads.... but I digress... That hasn't changed, Im always digressing...) Of course... all this is possible because this is my blog and here, I am god.

A veces despertamos con una muerte a cuestas,
Material, indolora, acariciante,
Tan viva en su morir
Que nos hace sentir que ya no somos,
Pero al librarnos de ella
Volvemos a pisar en tierra firme
A creer en el cuerpo que habitamos,
A contemplar el sol que late sin descanso,
A sufrir la fatiga de la sangre;
Y entonces nos invade
Un llanto como el llanto que lloramos
En el instante exacto de nacer,
Porque todo lo que vemos nos convence
De la verdad de haber resucitado.


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